- Fabrication of power transmission lines and steel structures of any type
- Lathe works
- Milling works (vertical, horizontal, planing)
- Face-grinding, cylindrical grinding works
- Coordinate boring works (three degrees of freedom)
- Thermal treatment of carbon and high-quality steels (Grades ст40, ст45, У8, У10)
- Repair and manufacture of die blocks and their parts on press-forging equipment
- The Plant high-technology equipment enables performing a wide range of operations with metal.
Modern roller-conveyor Rosler RRB 16/5 shotblast unit (Germany) s designed for cleaning rolled metal of scale, rust as per GOST 9.402-80 (SA2.5 SIS 055900). Enables ideal surface preparation for subsequent welding and anti-corrosion coating application.
High-quality surface preparation of the product and inter-stage rolled steel product protection is the primary factor to provide maximum service life and reliability of the protection coating.

MicroStep MSNC500 (USA) thermal cutting with HPR260 XD plasma source. Enables cutting metal sheets of any configuration with the thickness from 4 to 32 mm using plasma burner and with the thickness from 40 mm to 60 mm – using gas cutting module. The machine technological possibilities also provide drilling holes from 8 to 32 mm.

To enhance the product quality angle line manufactured by VERNET BEHRINGER (France) was purchased; it is designed for machining the angles sized from 40 to 160 mm. The line is equipped with punching, drilling, marking, cutting modules. Its capacity is max. 70 tons per shift.